Hiring Kenya


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Director Registration & Licensing

Nairobi, Kenya
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Company Details
Industry: Professional Training & Coaching
Description: Kenya Institute of Supplies Management is a national body for professionals in the practice of procurement and supplies management in Kenya. The Institute draws its mandate from the Supplies Practitioners Management Act No.17 of 2007. This Act provides the legal framework within which the Institute is established and operates as a corporate body promoting learning, development of best practices, and application of the same to the practice of procurement and supply chain management.
Job Description


  • ​​​​​​​Receive applications for registration in line with the Supplies Practitioners Management Act, 2007 and attendant Registration Regulations to ensure effective member admission and registration; 
  • Process applications for membership registration and granting of practicing certificates and licenses in accordance with the provision of this Act, for approval by the Registration Committee; 
  • Maintain the Register of persons registered in accordance with this Act and act and observance of all other related statutes. 
  • Provide leadership and develop appropriate recommendations for the implementation of related technology application in support of enhanced services offered through registration and records; 
  • Issue, renew and cancel certificates of registration and licenses as shall be directed by the Registration Committee in accordance with the Act. 
  • Facilitate issuance of practicing license to supplies practitioners; 
  • Be responsible for the documentation and information management, by checking for, and maintaining accurate & complete records of persons who have applied for and/or achieved Levels of certification(s) under the SPMA, 2007 and its attendant regulat 
  • Ensure all information is entered into the KISM information management electronic database records to support verification requirements. 
  • Develop appropriate recommendations for the implementation of related technology application in support of enhanced services offered through registration and records; 
  • Support in monitoring compliance with professional, quality assurance and other standards published by the Council for observance by the members of the Institute; 
  • Ensure adherence to prescribed regulations which govern quality assurance programs including actions necessary to rectify deviations from published standards; 
  • Submit results of quality assurance investigation to the Registration Committee that a member’s conduct be referred for inquiry under section 23 of the said Act; 
  • Leverage technology to simplify membership applications, renewals, and inquiries, and offer user-friendly online platforms for self-service options like account management, event registration, and payments. 

Job Requirements

  • Master’s degree in any of the following disciplines: - Supply Chain Management and Logistics, Purchasing and Supplies Management, Procurement and Supplies Management, Procurement, Commerce (Supplies Management Option) Business Administration (Supplies Management option) or an equivalent qualification from a recognized institution.
  • Bachelor’s degree in any of the following disciplines: - Supply Chain Management and Logistics, Purchasing and Supplies Management, Procurement and Supplies Management, Procurement, Commerce (Supplies Management Option) Business Administration (Supplies Management option) or an equivalent qualification from a recognized institution.
  • Attended a leadership course lasting not less than four (4) weeks from a recognized institution.
  • At least twelve (12) years relevant working experience, five (5) years of which must have been in a senior management role.
  • A valid KISM Membership with a current practicing License.
  • Proficiency in computer applications.
Education: Degree, Diploma
Employment Type: Full Time

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