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Dragonfly Limited 0
Industria: Telecommunications
Dragon Fly is an independent, full service creative agency. Our love for all things digital sets us apart. So do our crocs, locks and tons of experience. In 2012, two partners set out to put consumers at the centre of brand narratives. Our belief that brands should shift to reflect their audiences life (not the other way round) drove us then. And still inspires us now. Digital media exploded to become the driver of culture and centre of consumer lives. Before consumers see your brand, they experience it on digital media. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google…One recommend or like can be worth more than a 30 Second TV slot. To meet this new reality we have kept our full service capability, while adapting to this new landscape. Our expertise in linking the validation of old-media and the disruption of digital media to build brands has matured. So has our ability to measure ROI every step of the way
Nairobi, Kenya
Industria: Telecommunications
1 0 0 3
Jun 25, 2024
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Oct 12, 2023
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