Food for the Hungry is an international relief and development organization that answers God’s call to meet the physical and spiritual needs of the poor in more than 26 countries. Founded in 1971 by Dr. Larry Ward, Food for the Hungry exists to help individuals reach their God-given potential. In developing countries on nearly every continent, Food for the Hungry works with churches, leaders and families to provide the resources they need to help their communities become self-sustaining. When disasters strike, Food for the Hungry is often one of the first organizations on the ground to provide and facilitate emergency relief assistance to those in urgent need of food, shelter, and medical care. In 1976, Food for the Hungry (FH) provided emergency relief supplies to Kenya in the Marsabit district. In 2011, Kenya and four other countries experienced the worst drought in 60 years. Through livestock programs, the poor were able to sell their livestock to earn $2.2 million during the drought. This helped communiti