Echo Network Africa (ENA) formerly Kenya Women Holding (KWH) is a woman led, women serving development institution that works with other like minded stakeholders to empower, position and advocate for women with specific focus on young women, women with disabilities and women from marginalized communities. ENA is a membership organization whose focus is to be a catalyst for development that propels the women empowerment agenda. This is achieved by collaborating with governments (national and county) and community-based organizations, hence creating alliances to innovate and grow viable initiatives that enable women to advance their security and prosperity. ENAs programs are anchored on four major pillars, namely: Women Empowerment (Enhancing womens livelihoods, health and inclusion in the Aquaculture Value Chain), Positioning (Empowering Women in Political & Democratic Spaces), Tuvuke and Gender Mainstreaming (Tuvuke deals with Women in peace building and national cohesion while Gender Mainstreaming aims at in