Hiring Kenya


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Call for Baseline Consultant

Nairobi, Kenya
Company Details
Industry: Non-Profit Organization Management
Description: Siasa Place is an NGO formed in 2015 that aims to create an enabling environment for youth mainstreaming into our body politic. Our vision is to influence people who normally shy away from politics and change their mindsets by highlighting the correlation between politics and day to day living. Additionally active citizenry participation, having an inclusive platform for people with the will to lead, educating on the functions of a leader and responsibilities of voters. Our mission is to inform and engage on how politics directly affects the society through relatable communications.
Job Description




The consultant is expected to:

  • Map County-Based Art and Digital Platforms: Identify and categorize youth and women art and digital platforms in Mombasa, Kakamega, Migori, Kisumu, Lamu and Uasin Gishu that can be leveraged for civic participation and accountability.
  • Identification of Youth Organizing Structures: Asses the institutional strength of the platforms by looking into their strength and weaknesses to facilitate civic participation and hold leaders accountable and provide actionable recommendations on how to enhance their effectiveness.
  • Reporting and Documentation: Submit a comprehensive report that shows detailed mapping of county-based art and digital platforms, assessment of their strengths and weaknesses, analysis of county based youth and women organizing structures, recommendations and strategies for improvement and  clear action plan for enhancing participation in civic and governance processes.


  • The Scope of Work under this consultancy includes the following; Conduct an extensive review of all relevant literature (secondary data) related to youth and women participation in politics in Mombasa, Kakamega, Migori, Kisumu, Lamu and Uasin Gishu.Develop an Inception
  • Report with a clear understanding of the assignment deliverables, proposed methodology and proposed data collection tools. Proceed to the field (Mombasa, Kakamega, Migori, Kisumu, Lamu and Uasin Gishu) to collect the required data with proposed methodology and proposed sample units
  • Analyze the data, develop the baseline survey report addressing all the key data points and a commentary on the appropriateness (measurability) of the indicators for review.  


  • These include the following:An Inception Report, outlining the consultant’s methodological approach to this assignment, and a proposed work-plan.A set of comprehensive data collection tools that will be used to generate the baseline data. These tools ought to capture both qualitative and quantitative data.
  • Final baseline survey report, which shall follow a draft submitted for approval to the project team.
  • The draft report that will emanate from this exercise shall be submitted in soft copy, on google docs to the Contracting Agency for review, within two weeks of completing the field work phase.
  • Further, the consultant will submit the final report, within one week after receiving feedback from the Project Consortium Members. Approval of the final report shall be done by the Executive Director, Siasa Place.  


  • This consultancy will take approximately thirty (30) days, based on a reasonable ‘Level of Effort’ estimation. These days will be spread from the day of signing of the contract.
  • The consultant is expected to share a work-plan that indicates how these days will fit into the three phases of the consultancy; Inception, Fieldwork and Post-Fieldwork phases.
  • The proposed plan will be reviewed by the project team in consultation with the consultant, before roll-out.
  • The consultant will be expected to be in the field for about two weeks (15 days) days during the Fieldwork Phase. Other days will be spent away from the field in accordance with the proposed plan. 
Education: Degree, Diploma
Employment Type: Contract Based

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