Hiring Kenya


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Black Soldier Fly Operations Manager

Machakos, Kenya
This Job has Expired
Company Details
Industry: Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing
Description: Best Tropical Fruits Ltd., is a private Kenyan company finding market solutions for the excess soft fruits in Machakos and surrounding counties. Best Tropical Fruits Ltd processes high-quality mango, avocado, banana, pawpaw, citrus, tomatoes, and other highly nutritious fruits which are purchased from resource-poor smallholders in Central and Eastern Kenya.
Job Description

Best Tropical Fruits Ltd is looking for a Factory Operations Manager to manage Black Soldier Fly Production Operations. The candidate should have excellent management skills to coordinate and lead its Black Soldier Fly production unit which is under development. The appointee will oversee all functions within the BSF Unit and will provide planning, management and leadership to ensure commercial success.

Key Responsibilities

The technical input provided by the BSF Factory manager will target the production of BSF larvae and organic manure, and oils derived from larvae, while adhering to the hygiene and feed safety aspects and to national feed certification standards. 

  • Act as a resource person for all consultation on BSF especially the BTF extension team. 
  • Manage the processing functions, including daily, weekly and monthly planning, projections and records.
  • Analyze production processes, identify inefficiencies, and implement process improvements to optimize production.
  • Provide advice on processing BSF products and sales and marketing.
  • Ensure the highest quality product is produced to the highest standards
  • Optimise storage and transport and ensure all factory waste is utilized
  • Manage processing efficiently and cost effectively. 
  • Prepare realistic projections, budgets, and provide input to the overall BTF Business Plan.
  • Prepare and submit regular production reports, including progress updates, productivity metrics, and quality assurance results.

Qualifications and Experience

  • Bachelor's degree in Zoology, agricultural science, or equivalent.
  • At least 3 years practical experience in BSF production at senior level.
  • Proficiency in Microsoft office suite
  • Exceptional leadership and team management skills, with the ability to motivate and inspire employees.
  • Excellent problem-solving, organizational, and time management abilities.

The deadline to apply is January 24th, 2025.

Education: Degree, Diploma
Employment Type: Full Time

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