Jobs Home » Browse Companies » 4G Capital
4G Capital 0
Industria: Banking
4G Capital (4th Generation Capital) is Africa's fastest fintech providing ethical credit services to those who require it most. We provide rapidly accessible and affordable unsecured loans with strict affordability criteria to prevent unmanageable debt. Our customers are mainly small businesses and entrepreneurs who use our credit to grow their businesses and provide for the unforeseen.
Nairobi, Kenya
Industria: Banking
0 0 0 0
Sep 17, 2024
Posted by Hiring Kenya
Industria: Banking
0 0 0 2
Sep 16, 2024
Posted by Hiring Kenya
0 0 0 0
Sep 13, 2024
Posted by Hiring Kenya
Nairobi, Kenya
Industria: Banking
0 0 0 1
Sep 11, 2024
Posted by Hiring Kenya
Nairobi, Kenya
Industria: Banking
0 0 0 3
Aug 27, 2024
Posted by Hiring Kenya
0 0 0 3
Aug 08, 2024
Posted by Hiring Kenya
0 0 0 0
Aug 08, 2024
Posted by Hiring Kenya
0 0 0 4
Aug 08, 2024
Posted by Hiring Kenya
0 0 0 4
Aug 06, 2024
Posted by Hiring Kenya
Industria: Banking
0 0 0 8
Jul 17, 2024
Posted by Hiring Kenya