Hiring Kenya


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Annual Audit for a Project in Kenya

Nairobi, Kenya
This Job has Expired
Company Details
Industry: Non-Profit Organization Management
Description: Sign of Hope e.V. works to protect the rights of people in distress and to meet their needs for assistance. The organisation is headquartered in Konstanz, Germany. Our work is informed by spiritual beliefs, yet not affiliated with any denomination. Sign of Hope has instituted a wide variety of projects and programmes in Africa. Each of these helps the continent's vulnerable populations. Sign of Hope's projects are being undertaken in Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe. These projects provide education and medical care, protect human rights and natural resources, develop infrastructure, and set up or ensure the supply of food and water. Sign of Hope's regional office is located in Nairobi. It works closely with the organisation's head office, which is in Konstanz, Germany, and with the representation in Rumbek, a town located in South Sudan's Lakes State. The staff there manages logistics and other operations in S
Job Description

Expected Deliverables

The auditor is expected to produce an audit report, an audit certificate and a management letter, which will comprise the following:

  • Presentation of the scope and mandate of the audit, as well as the list of documents that formed the evidence for the audit,
  • An opinion whether financial statements (statement of accounts broken down for each year being audited ) are issued in accordance with the financial reporting framework of the project, BMZ requirements and an internationally recognized accounting standard,
  • A checked, signed and stamped list of all project costs receipts, sorted by BMZ budget lines (list is provided by the local implementing partners).
  • Recommendations on identified shortcomings, and, if applicable, comments on the follow-up of audit observations and recommendations from previous years.
  • Audit documents can be issued in English or German.

Scope of the Audit

The audit should focus on the following:

  • The correctness and completeness of the accounting records,
  • The financial report, showing all project related income and expenditure structured by budget lines,
  • Deviations of expenditure by budget lines. The expenditure, which exceeds or falls below the budget appropriations by more than 30 %, shall be explained separately, if the approval of the BMZ has not previously been obtained,
  • That receipts and relevant supporting documents are available for all project related income and expenditures,
  • The management of the funds made available, which includes the transfer of project funds, all interest earned from the project funds during the reporting period and further income generated by the project,
  • Reviewing the appropriate use of funds according to the project objectives,
  • Evaluation of the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the usage of funds,
  • Budget adherence through the comparison between budgeted and actual costs in the currency in which the expenditure was incurred. The audit report will not convert the examined amounts into the Euro amounts,
  • Reviewing if personnel costs and social security contributions conform to the regulations in the project country and are locally comparable,
  • The economical use of the project equipment and assets,
  • The inventory and the use of capital items, their whereabouts and their purposive usage,
  • Compliance with the legal framework of the project (project agreements and annexes, contracts, etc.) and the donor requirements,
  • Compliance with the policies of the local implementing partner regarding procurement, financial administration, human resources management and travel.

Procedures and Communication

  • The auditor will be given access to all necessary documents in the project offices through the local implementing partners; Caritas Marsabit,Spiritan Community Outreach Ethiopia (SCORE), Caritas Lodwar, and Coordination Office of the Social and Development Commission of the Ethiopian Catholic Church (ECC-SDCO) as well as relevant donor documents through SoH.
  • The auditor will be responsible to set up a schedule in agreement with the local implementing partners: Caritas Marsabit, Spiritan Community Outreach Ethiopia (SCORE), Caritas Lodwar and Coordination Office of the Social and Development Commission of the Ethiopian Catholic Church (ECC-SDCO).Any expenses for field trips, postal and translation services and other expenses shall be included in the auditor’s proposed budget. Caritas Marsabit will support the auditor with logistics and arrangements, however, all payments of the contract will be made directly by SoH.

Qualifications and Experience

  • Necessary qualification to serve as a recognized independent auditing authority,
  • Minimum of five (5) years of experience conducting external independent audits of projects funded by international institutional donors in Kenya and Ethiopia.
  • Experience in conducting audits for BMZ-funded projects is beneficial.

Dateline: 3rd November 2024 23:59 EAT.

Education: Degree, Diploma
Employment Type: Full Time
Contact Information
Name: Hiring Kenya

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