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A public lecture I attended about climate change inspired and rekindled my hope.
The presenter demonstrated how simple, serious and solvable this existential problem is and how we cause it, how it impacts us directly, and how we can individually and collectively solve it.
Simple refers not to solutions but to causes of global warming and climate change. It is simple because, when heat is applied to something, it gets hot and if it is not protected, it gets hotter faster, dangerously.
Serious refers to the existential catastrophe that is global warming and climate change. This is because emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere cause the ozone layer to deplete.
The magnetosphere deflects the most harmful solar rays and shields us from the hot sun. The ozone layer specifically protects the Earth and shields us from the harmful effects of UV radiation and hot sun rays, which cause all sorts of burns, cancers, and blindness and dry our waterways, cause drought, and we know first-hand the effects of drought in Kenya; melt ice and cause oceans and seas to rise to submerge many islands.If very cold snowy states like Vermont in the US can be powered by solar energy, imagine what Kenya can do with all the solar we have.
Please rethink and consider how your carbon footprint is damaging the ozone layer and how you can make an impact by being part of the solution through planting trees, conserving water, protecting our water catchment areas and water towers, recycling, and using alternative sources of energy such as solar, and wind and ensuring responsible production and consumption.
Reversing the negative impacts of greenhouse gases and ending their emissions must be done NOW. If we wait, the effects and impact will be with us for thousands of years and it certainly will be more expensive down the road. Let us ACT NOW and save our PLANET EARTH because WE CAN.