A state functionary recently got a dressing down from a big man over a misstep that is now blamed for being part of the tough economic times and strained cash flow in the country. The beleaguered officer is said to have missed a critical sale, which would have seen his institution cash in billions. His tardiness saw the prices increase, thwarting the sale bid. The big man accosted him after things turned out for the worst. Those in the know say the ramifications of the state functionary’s pussyfooting and indecisiveness will be felt for years to come.
For how long will a critical office tasked with the management of crucial state assets operate without a properly fitted and up-to-date IT system? This is the concern of taxpayers aware of the sorry situation at the office domiciled in a big ministry where records are managed using manual sheets. Some taxpayers were overheard raising pertinent questions on the accuracy and safety of the records kept at the office. The tenure of the man in charge ends in June 2024 but with the casual manner he is running the agency, he's likely to be forced out earlier.
Talking of being forced out, it appears all is not well with a political outfit that entered into a post-poll pact with one of the major political formations in the land. A fly in the wall is picking up noises that the leaders of the outfit feel shortchanged in their bargain for joining the movement. And, indeed, one of the affected members has not been shy to hide away his frustrations. We are told they are plotting to slow down activities at their now estranged home. Fierce court battles are among the options in the works.
A prominent lawyer is now the laughing stock of his colleagues who had accused him of running roughshod on them and talking down on everyone who stood in his way. The tables have now turned on the legal brass, with associates whispering about his nagging habit of asking for client briefs. Worse still, the man's political ambitions fell into the backwater and the powers that be did not rescue him with the appointment of his dream for a soft landing. His colleagues say that it os the man's time to eat humble pie.